[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)

plz don’t

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Do not post in this thread, it’s just unlocked so that we can make announcements if need be


We have decided to allow 1-2 hydras if you’re interested please DM me on here or discord. First come first serve.

@Geyde pinging you since you had already showed some interest

Geyde will be hydraing with Luxy, and Mercenary will be hydraing with priestess.


Looking for a replacement, first to message me gets it

@Mistyx are you interested?

The game will most likely start (in a new thread) on midnight Friday, timezone UTC + 2, 2019-12-12T22:00:00Z

This may be shifted by a few hours to best accomodate the host schedule and the game queue, but as per the schedule it will definitely start on Friday

We will do our best to keep players apprised of changes to the start time

Mist1422 has replaced Emilia


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ew mixed hydras