[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)

If town lynches every day, then F3 will be reached after 6 day-night cycles (12 real-life days), leading to a game lasting for a maximum of 324 hours.

If town chooses to never lynch until LyLo, then F7 LyLo will be reached after 8 cycles, at which point two cycles and 1 in-game day will be required to complete the game, for a total of 516 hours.

I think. Feel free to double-check my math.

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Block every player and then join :upside_down_face:

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Oh okay

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Oh, i’m sorry. Did you need your kneecaps?

Block arete And join

cats are just bad

And sirderps

as if I didn’t already block Arete


if my brother joins he is added to the pro list

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im only here because arete is hosting


I don’t like you

Did arete blackmail you into joining ?

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dude same

i’ve been scum in several games with marshal when none of you were looking because it was on the discord
i’ve absorbed some of his scumgod big brain energy and have become unstoppable as scum

so help me god if that is a road hog profile picture im getting my water gun


just get bastion omegalul


…nerf bastion?