[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)


For real lets have jeremy and isaac in the same game

Isaac should /in

I changed it lmao

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llol thatā€™s not me boomer stop putting pictures of ur idiot friends

No you


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Oh lord, you are so sweet you two


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Now wr have chance of having all pro team


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At least theirs no feedback

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I mean maf team

@Isaac_Gonzalez and @Jeremy_Gonzalez just a reminder to make sure you donā€™t discuss the events of this game in real life until the game has concluded.

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Can I keep them? Pleaseā€¦ these pros are cute

Only if you stay!

Youā€™re in retirement :eyes:

I am Going to post something bad And no mod can stop me

You and Chloe are in my last will


Can a spectator be a VC-Bot?