[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)

Mountainous classcards :slight_smile:
I claim Mother Judge btw

Derps and I can do that if people want us to (although to be clear any such themeing will be wholly NAI)

We can also not do that if people would prefer that we not

It’s up to arete if they wanna do themed cards

if i mods allowed me to
and i knew how to host FoLs
i would set up an Imperium SFoL

I don’t have an issue with it

Themed classcards:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

define themed


Not sure if my vote counts because I’m a spectator.

I was figuring he meant e.g. if it was a Pokemon theme doing ‘Pikachu, Mafia Goon’ or ‘Meowth, Vanilla Townie’ or whatever

oh god pokemon

my brother loves Pokémon for some reason

Just don’t do any alignment specific flavor and it’s fine

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If you flavor claim your team automatically loses

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I would actually try to start an Imperium SFoL if i was actually good at things like hosting

I just thought of the worst flavor for this game and now none of you can stop me :upside_down_face:

Tell me!


what is it


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