[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)

do you realize that Emilia does reverted her whole meta in GI
She was my highest townread.
And she was scum

Regardless I am using too much mobile battery arguing pointless stuff so peace

Luxy not bringing a solar charger to he can charge while he argues with people on the internet


Itā€™s not a trust tell because she says the same thing as scum


Effort is NAI for a lot of people

Why is there host intervention in meta reads

If you make a meta read
god will shoot you

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Since the vote was pretty much uncontested in favor of the game having flavor, Iā€™ve updated the sample rolecards in the OP to reflect this (to prevent angleshooting)

Flavor is completely NAI and was randed separately from alignment.

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The game hasnā€™t started yet, Iā€™m speaking in my capacity as a player not my capacity as a host

much better

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God here, will blow your brains out if you metaread

It hasnā€™t but you are telling players bout my meta even tho youā€™re host

angleshooting the host rn


doesnā€™t everyone know your meta one way or another

ez now I can read you

Iā€™m not speaking in the capacity of ā€˜now i can angleshoot hostā€™ and more ā€˜host may be able to be angleshotā€™


she is insta town every game

Hey so real quick, if an Imperium SFoL happened, would any of you actually play it :eyes:

what is imperium