[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

I wanted to be lynched

Well you didn’t go for the classic “vote your scumbuddy as your very first vote in RVS.”

also this

Wazza’s opening was really bad

beep boop

Before I even posted~


What’s my scum tells :eyes:

How to townslip :thinking:

Pls teach me /s

“Never fear Luxy is here.”

Don’t fucking say it. Every time I see you saying this, you always flip scum. Also don’t buddy with me. The way you buddied with PKR in KC was just cringeworthy and Math easily knew that your were mafia with him just by your hard-defending him.

Alice’s first post to me in scumchat

damn i was on the entire scumteam’s coattails the entire d1

Wait here it is

Alice did stuff in RVS
That’s def her scumtell :^)

I can meta read fam

…do I seriously lack a meta or scumtells?

How does one scumread like you

Did any of you actually look at my ISO after I was nightkilled



That’s literally it

That’s rude

That should be your FIRST STEP after every night kill

Iso the person who the mafia killed and figure out why

I think you sound odd when you are wolf.

I wanted to nightkill Noz n1 tbh

I ISOed Alfa and figured they killed her so she could be with Wham <3