[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

to generate content of course, why else?

Sweet :slight_smile: Now to find out if your sarcasm is forced or not.

no math
the next post

We’re doing a werewolf theme, nobody is town! they’re village!

Yes, we are human settlements Marl


Marls always an sarcastic ass

Yeah I am bad at that soooo just do a word replace in your head.

Lmao you can’t talk

You’re calling me susp for random meme voting at the start of day fucking one

How TF does my vote have ANY impact at all

/vote Alfa

What if a suburban vampire themed mafia game

and we call the Townies “City” or “Citys”

Yes. It’s a matter of getting him to be sarcastic ass enough to where if scum he makes an ass of himself. And if he’s town he won’t.

/vote Maximus

Thanks dad

Maximus you’re too tense, post a megalovania meme

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Congrats for topping my list!

I ran out

/vote Maximus well make your own up


I’m really tense when I have like no reason to be lel

Feels good to be mislynched d1 :))))))

It’s because my vote was on you
That’s the power of the Shepard

Town list or scum? :smiley: I like being in lists. I am all shiny :slight_smile:

The list of finding a bullet in your skull! Congrats!