[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Alfa seems town because she’s not stressed enough this game to be scum
Max isn’t memeing hard enough with Alfa and he also hasn’t pinged me to defend him before I’ve done anything so he’s OFFICIALLY scum
I’ve never played with Math, he’s like a slight townlean for me rn but honestly his flip gives a lot of information and I’m not sure on him either way - y’all know his meta more than me
Sarun is Sarun and is too solid to be read accurately as scum D1
Marl is Marl and the same pretty much applies, he’s checking like most of his towntells this game so I honestly do feel semi solid calling him town but again I never know
Hardest scumlean rn is def Max and then a Math lynch is like ehhh fine with me too

Acting like he can meta people when he’s been gone for like 3 months OMEGALUL




mmk then explain to me that you’ve gotten better and explain why?


Why would you accuse me of being scum from not being bad enough unless you’re scum

That actually makes no sense
“He’s not memeing hard enough”

did you literally read the post you just quoted
you just cut off my sentence and completely changed the meaning of what I said lol

my reasoning on that post was like half meme half real - town max doesn’t just randomly pick fights with the people he likes, plus I mean there’s shit from earlier like your sus wagon hopping

it’s not that you’re not bad enough, it’s that you’re trying too hard and still being bad

Why you do this

Also this is a really weird post
Instead of addressing it to me like “acting like you can meta read” you address it to everyone else as if it’s a defense before you actually post a defense
that’s awk ngl

/replace out


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@Insanity You’re our backup, all good to replace in?

read on me you fucking edgy ass hedgehog

draws my weapon

I’ll read you and prolly everyone else when I’m home and can actually look deeper and ISO peeps at my computer

I smell excuses. Gut read go

I wOn’T hEsITaTe bItcH!

uh mmk I officially read you as town for solely the next 30 minutes until I get home and actually ISO you

thanks dad


Okay so let me go read some messages and I’ll be back in a moment.