[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

You vs. MathBlade.

Except you’ve said that me flipping T doesn’t prove Math S

Or implied it

Because I don’t think you’ll flip town?

sorry not sorry

Only problem is that I am not inactive/lurking

Here i sit, in my tinfoil house
Thinking that Luxy knows both MathBlade and Marcus are town
even though i think math is scummy

i was going to write a haiku but i gave up counting syllables


You literally do not have one post with content. That is lurking/inactivity.

And what makes you think that?

But I have more than 1 post with content

no, you really dont


Townreading marl cause mislynch marl

Then you have -10 posts with content

Mate if you’re not going to actually try to play the game, I’m going to push for your blacklist.

Any time a scumread lists three or more scumreads one of which is likely a buddy

Unsure if you’re trying to pocket me as scum, or you’re actually town :thinking:


Well you’re the one saying I am inactive/lurking when I am not

Yes he does wtf? I even said so in my wall.

Stop threatening blacklists it’s not cool
If you blacklist talk about it post game

You call me scum but then suddenly call me town pick one and stop flip flopping

Literally quote a post with any meaningful content that you’ve posted this game.