[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Marcus Luxy 1/6
Insanity WazzaAzza, Whammerist, Noz_Bugz, Alfa 4/6
Whammerist Insanity, MaximusPrime 2/6
WazzaAzza Alice 1/6
Sam17z Marcus 1/6

~24 minutes remain in the day.

tilts head How do you get that? [Either of them is Insanity and Wazza] Theyve barely interacted at all

Again neither of them have interacted with each other, I can see the argument that if one flips scum other is spewed town because of their lack of interaction, I don’t see how the other is lockscum.

@Emilia why did you unvote :eyes:

They barely interact in any game

I unvoter cuz his reaction to being voted looked like a frustrated townie rather than scum

Also I don’t remember town Alice to push inactives this early while I remember her doing that as scum

So why go for players who have a lurker AI as opposed to people who’ve been active and scummy? Sam fits the bill pretty well here imo, he hasn’t really tried to clear anyone and has basically today chirped into say “Sqawk, Marcus is lockscum due to tunneling Math who was town.” Marl tunneled Math too and look what that did to him.

Hjasik. Tell me your thoughts on Wham.

It’s you who is going for insanity who is lurker

@Wazza @Ami @Queen_Alfa get on nowwwwww

wat I haven’t voted Insanity once

I did vote wham because of his neutrality on D1 wagons not because he was inactive

Do you still read him as scum or not?

I think he is more likely to be a town now

Are you happy with an Insanity flip over a Wham one?

No I am not happy with flipping insanity in my first game I was town and I accused all inactives for being inactive but nearly all inactives turned out to be town after that I am not fan of lynching inactives

I mean look at ninja and guns Margaret sweetly cake and wazza were inactive but they turned town it’s really annoying that some townies play like that

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Marcus Luxy 1/6
Insanity WazzaAzza, Whammerist, Noz_Bugz, Alfa 4/6
Whammerist Insanity, MaximusPrime 2/6
WazzaAzza Alice 1/6
Sam17z Marcus 1/6

Under a minute remains in the day.

Vote Wham with me and RNG will decide their fate /vote Whammerist I’m still not convinced he flips town especially when he hedges on voting Sam with me, both him and Alice have flat ignored the slot

@Emilia vote WHAM NOW