[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

hjasik may just be sheep town, but Marcus and Insanity are likely scum here.

@Ashe VC please?

I’ve said multiple times why I went for that CFD off Insanity. I still don’t know whether he flips scum or not, @Sam17z you were in a scumteam w/ him in N&G, and I’d say his scum meta is pretty static. Does his play really match his scum AI or not?

Alice and Luxy, if you two could ISO and make a case for why people are so intent to lynch him over an active wolf, be my guest. It’s possible Insanity is just a wolf and I’ve just blocked it out after hearing it so much. If WazzaAzza doesn’t come and defend himself I will be more than happy to vote him to lynch. Alice is right in that he is active lurking

How do you feel you death tunneled 2 town and they flipped town?

Pretty shit actually

Like logically explain to me something, how do you expect to live after mling 2 town

No idea honestly, however we need to be quite certain of today’s lynch otherwise we will be in lylo tomorrow

@Alice whats your guess for the scumteam?

I’ve been slanking quite badly this game, but here are some quick thoughts.

  1. Marcus - Mostly basing this on d2 I’d say a townlean, but Insanity’s flip and some associatives will show a lot.
  2. Insanity - Apathetic villager or lurking scum, IMO Wazza and him are an either/or case over their votes yesterday.
  3. hjasik - Mixed bag, actually, he seems to be interesting in pushing but his votes have been overall terrible all-around, and his insistance that you and Math were obvious town may seem that he is too informed to be a villager, can’t exactly form a good read from him.
  4. Sam17z - Far too much passive IMO, I’d put his as a low scumlean but changing depending on Marcus and Insanity’s flip.
  5. Queen_Alfa - Nigh townlock for reasons said d1 and d2.
  6. Luxy - Moderate townlean. His d1 posts were shit, but I’d say he’s been improving
  7. MaximusPrime Null-ish, actually. Somewhat to passive for me to read but if either of you or him end up being scum then the other one is clear.
  8. WazzaAzza - Has no gamesolving motivation and is far too concerned on own self-appearance, Wazza right now is my highest scumlean and somewhat close to Insanity.

IMO, today I’d likely go for Wazza or Insanity.

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Sam17z Marcus 1/5
Alice hjasik 1/5
Insanity MaximusPrime 1/5
WazzaAzza Alice 1/5
Marcus Sam17z, Luxy 2/5

So throw Shades And pocket I see

Who’s “him”

Also I’d like to go for insanity today as well

She means bazingaboy

My only problem with Insanity is that he actually seemed to give a shit when he was wolf in N&G, I think he’d actually try a little harder if he was scum here too. He hasn’t appeared to even care in the slightest with what the hell is going on.

I’d definitely take a Wazza lynch over a Insanity lynch today.

What’s preventing you from moving this to a medium/high scumlean?

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Sam17z Marcus 1/5
Alice hjasik 1/5
Insanity MaximusPrime 1/5
WazzaAzza Alice 1/5
Marcus Sam17z, Luxy 2/5

The day will end in about 18 hours.

Sorry that I sleep. Anyway, my actions were already explained but here is more detail:
Insanity has been suspicious and sheeping, especially with the votes he has done, Marcus in my opinion, is Lock-Town. Math had to be the scum in that TvS but since Math was town it was a guarenteed TvT.

You on the other-hand “scum-reading” me like you did in that game a while ago really makes me laugh, almost makes me think you’re scum but you have good reasoning.

As I did earlier. /vote Insanity

You locktown Marcus after two mislynches hes caused?

Strong association there.

/vote WazzaAzza I’m afraid you’re explanation hasn’t been good enough

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Alice hjasik 1/5
Insanity MaximusPrime, WazzaAzza 2/5
WazzaAzza Alice, Marcus 2/5
Marcus Sam17z, Luxy 2/5

~6 hours remain in the day.

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Well it looks like I have to make decisions wich one of those 3 is Lynched