[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Sam17z Alice, Luxy 2/4
Luxy Sam17z 1/4

9 hours remain in the day.

Luxy how confident would you be going into lylo tomorrow if this flipped town?

If sam somehow flip town, I would not be too confident, and I would reconsider my read on you again, or go after Alice, as I can definitely see both you and Alice being on a scumteam together due to your shadethrowing on her for not dying, but not actually doing anything. Furthermore, the fact that Alice hasn’t died yet is suspect and as you said, scum could be going for people who they cannot shadethrow on. Either Alice’s reads are majorly off or she is scum, and I don’t like how you defended her. (Kind of) I would also reconsider my read on Maximus, because if he is somehow scum, then he has done a great job of imitation is town tone and actions.

Here’s the thing: I’ve locked Alice is town until further notice. It’s Alice so take lock towning her with a grain of salt always.

@Alice how confident would you be in lylo tomorrow?

Can you explain why you’ve locked town’d her?

It’s mainly gut tinged with the fact that she was driving the wagon on Waz yesterday, as well as strongly advocating for a Waz lynch on d2.

There is three reason why Alice isn’t killed yet:

A: Her read is mostly wrong.

B: She is scum.

C: Scum want to push mislynch on her.

Go through all the options for me and come to a conclusion as to which one is the most likely

I think it is either A or B. Or B if I really need to pick one.

Pushed Noz/Math, which both later flipped as Town.

And the reason she pushed Wazza is most likely because she want to bus him for the towncred.


And she is slightly less active in here. Probably because she is hosting OW FM. But it can also be she want to stay off the radar as wolf.

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@Alice come post

A. She read Wazza as scum d2 and d3 so scum probably NK her, her reads have been alright, and I’m pretty sure Town Alice gets more accurate as time goes on.

C. seems unlikely because she hasn’t really been hard pushed since d2.

B. Seems to be the simplest and most likely option to me. Thanks for clearing this matter for me Insanity.

/vote Alice

/vote Alice

err, I meant she hasn’t been hardpushed since d1, Math pressured her the most besides me

@Emilia just because you’re lock town doesn’t mean you get an obligatory “I can slank” pass :eyes:

expect that I have second most posts in thread

really don’t care, tell me what you make of the situation

Today is not exactly MyLo, so if Alice flipped Town, we still have a shot at getting WW tmr.

tomorrow is lylo if we have a town flip today…

Well, tmr is LyLo tho.

But today is not MyLo @_@