[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Marcus and Max same alignment is dumb

Would vote whamm but he’s not here so that would get us no where :thinking:


Further explain on why I am town


Sometime by the end of our first 24 hours, give us your top 2 lynch targets and we’ll pick between them

Who do you wolfread currently of the people who have posted?

It’s mainly he seemed annoyed at I wouldn’t get angry if I was scum

And when I asked him to be annoyed it was different and hiding the annoyance and wasn’t three sentences

It’s all about those V i b e s my dude


you have town vibes

Why do you get these fucking vibes teach me

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Because I don’t think Marcus is a strong enough wolf to bus his teammate at the start of d1

I’m an earthbender, i feel the scum in the earth

Like that time you felt a pug scum in Triple threat :^)

He’s not bussing though

He asked a question then immediately moved on to something else

Pug was just free real estate

Fuck I’m doomed to be a B rate player

But you should’ve gone for scum not town broski gummon

Just keep talking until something strikes you as unnatural in the conversation

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Uh where the fuck is yandhi btw

Generally as long as you take the time to think and aren’t spamming talking is the only way to improve