[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Partially why I want a Math lynch today. If he does flip scum, then we’ll have several people cleared by his interactions and I can’t see any other possible scumteam here with him on it other than Math/Hja/Luxy.

I will NEVER succumb to doing group think on day one. That results in town loss more often than not. If you’re gonna push me every day for being “stupid” and not succumbing to “group think” in regards to meta and me actually using my brain and calling me stupid for doing so, prepare to mislynch me d1 every day. Your argument I am scum is literally I don’t take what you say and bow down and worship it. And I NEVER will.

Also I personally love this post based on principle. I would honestly like to see a lot more read posts like this, and maybe add some color to it so we can possibly tell where’s it’s going so we know how your looking at it

Literally Alice says I’m scum for pushing Alfa because I don’t know her. That I should just inherently trust her and bow down to what she provides as site meta. I don’t know if she’s town I don’t know if she’s scum and then she whips it around voting me and then continues to misrep every little thing I do into something I did not say. And then has the gall to wonder why I don’t read another game that’s probably irrelevant crap. Hell I didn’t even read the game I replaced into like you really think I’m going to actually read that. Alice knows I don’t because majority of posting time is at work for me and then she used it as ammo going “Did you read my shit yet?” It’s clearly true look at this small sampling. That’s not how it works.

It’s like saying a coin is rigged because it got 10 heads in a row. What is failed to be left out is there were 10000000000 flips. 10 flips in a row heads is BOUND to happen.

bbl mom calling

If you are town Alice is fucking Dan Gheesling.
Math V Alice is a TvS, discuss

who? Sitll afk waiting on my mom she’s calling late I guess.

Except that I’m not asking you to succumb to group think.

I provided you the link to Alfa’s town and her scum game earlier on while explaining her tone reads and instead of reading it you kept on harping “ALICE IS SCUM! MARL IS SCUM!” and whatnot.

I don’t want more sheep players, on the contrary I want more independent thinkers and town leaders. The issue here is that I can’t tell if your boneheadedness is done out of ignorance or malice, which is why I wagoned you.

Again, I’m sorry if I sound rude and I am not a jerk, but please understand that meta reads are widely used evidence here for a reason.


That doesn’t make it a GOOD reason.

You can’t on one hand say you want independent thinkers and then when an independent thinker questions how you do things complain that I don’t scum hunt like you.

I haven’t and won’t. It is literally impossible for me to hunt like anyone else. I hate social cues and I deal with concrete data. Which is what I have seen. And I have not interacted enough with Alfa.

It is, take CITJR2 where Marl nabbed the entire Mafia d2 mostly on meta reads alone along with some associations. The advantage of playing in a small site with the same people over and over again is that you can quickly learn how they tick.

Except that you were diving straight into a player that I had a strong townlean because of her tone and proceeded to accuse both me and Marl of being scum as we “somehow knew” she was town. Again, I’m sorry.

Look, I’m also on the spectrum and I know that I share another similarity with you that I’m not comfortable speaking in the open, but listen. I’ve also had much trouble with social cues when I started on this site due to its culture, but once you get the hang of it everything comes naturally.

Honestly, I’m not enjoying this match anymore as I feel like a complete asshat to Math.

/replace out

I don’t agree with what you’re saying but I can tell the sincerity in which you’re saying it. For now I think it’s worth a day to see if you can push scum.

/vote Marcus

Please don’t replace out. You’re not being an asshat. I’m not offended I"m just angry and disappointed at the situation and I don’t see why you scumread me.

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Lmao how do you think I felt with memesky, just because you feel something you doing is wrong doesn’t mean you should resort to replacing out

it’s a meme

Don’t replace out.
He’s not being an asshat out of ignorance, he’s doing it to win. He’s scum.

wait, i misread

Roles reversed my dudd

Hi Scum17z
Whos your buds