[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Was I the only person that sorta townread him?

I townread him and told ppl to not vote him but no one listens to me

But then he was hammered while I was sleeping

You townread him or did you know he was town?

I was like 95% sure he was town

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Marcus Noz_Bugz 1/6
Alice hjasik 1/6

Sorry for lurking, ugh.

They killed Marl 'cause of the same reason we killed Marl in N & G?

What was your reason to kill Marl in ninja and guns?

He often get towncred easily, so we eliminated him.

Nobody really likes a confirmed town in a setup like N and G or Mountainous.

Hjasik - Scumlean


This came true

Hjasik from what I’ve seen has been not really making any pronouncements at all halfway through his ISO apart from a couple of votes and some townreads, I do see a bit of town motivation.

I think we reach a critical point on Hjasiks ISO over here, he states that it is more likely TvT than TvS

He then votes me

Then don’t vote at all? Try and get votes off the wagon and onto one of your own scumreads??

From an ISO I haven’t seen Hjasik try to CFD off of either of us at all, he says "I think this is TvT, but suggests no alternative and instead chooses to vote between it.

Strong scumlean for this.

Whammerist - Solid Townlean


I see a lot of town motivation in Whams first genuine content

This post felt forced to me when I first read it, the heart made it feel like he was irritated but not quite; in a passive aggressive way. However…

He got pissed at me so clearly this is a standard thing for him

Math was indeed townreading Wham, so through Whams ISO you can see why his progression was with a scumread on Math, and thus voting him

Genuinely the weirdest lolreactiontest I’ve seen in my life

Wham ended up progressing to a townread on Math after his strange lolreactiontest, the logic seems fine to me, and this is where he sort of comes to the conclusion I did, which was it was TvT.

I’d absolutely love a chance for Wham to explain what his scumreads are before EoD. Enjoy a solid townlean from me.

Luxy - Lock Scum


Luxy’s initial thought process

This is a meme obv, but it implies Luxy is gut scumreading Math

He now theorises a Math flipping town out of nowhere

Now Luxy scumreads me all of a sudden, granted I think most people thought it was a TvS, hell, _even I did!_However this 180 strikes me because from the first couple of posts, it would seem Luxy should be advocating for a math lynch rather then for my lynch out of the thunderdome, and how he unnaturally came to the conclusion that Mathblade probably flips town doesn’t seem to be a natural progression at all.

I’ve mentioned my response to this several times.

Marl hammers the nail on the head here.

MaximusPrime - Null


Maximus - Scumlean

Starts gearing out of RVS with a vote on Alfa

This was where my scumlean on Maxi began, and started to ping me

Yeah, overall hiis reaction to his wagon was a complete dumpster fire.

There is at least one scum in Maximus and Luxy, I’m sold on Luxy being scum, I’m not too sure what Maximus and Luxy would do d1 to avoid association reads as scum, so Maxi could be clear from this.

Consider this a progression of his Alfa read.


So rn he’s stopped pushing his TvS between Wham and Alfa, and has started a new scumread on me, okay fine.

Actually now that I think about it Maxi has a clear progression on his thought process of me being scum Curse you Maximus

Why u do dis to me Maximus Thats his same reason

Well you’re be pleased to know I spent a grand total of one minute thinking of this

Stahp making me change my read on u Maximus

Kinda low hanging fruit

There is a big difference between calling my post a long speech and a speech/quote/post

I mean this is kinda like the hjasik thing where if you wanted to get the wagon off mathblade you had the chance to say something and didn’t.

There are some good things and some bad things about Maximus’s ISO, now I’m not as confident as I was beforehand that he will flip scum, I’d advise him to post some more progression and leading if he wants to avoid getting lynched in the near future. Enjoy my null read

Alice - Medium Town


So Alice has a polarising read on Mathblade between VI and scum, and seems very much like Wham in terms of defining their read on Math which I see as towny.

She seems to have pinpointed a scumread on Mathblade and by association Hja and Luxy whom Math had interacted very little with.

Yay Alice townreads me!

Theorising on what the thunderdome is, good

Except I think we gain a lot of infomation about the wolves strategy by pegging this whole thing as a TvT.

Hmm, Alice has come to the same scumlean conclusion on Hjasik that I did.

Overall, I give Alice a medium townlean, her reasoning is quite a meaningful progression however her vote hardly moved around. She avoids RVS like the plague though so her aiming straight for Mathblade and being dead set is somewhat NAI.

Yes becouse ppl never listen to me when I try to CFD


Yes becouse I was sure math was town but I wasnt as sure about you as I was about math

Also I wanted to Lynch Alice D1 and want to do it now but I guess those posts are invisible for some reason

I also like how Maximusprime is a null in your list but Maximus is scumlean

I am honestly ok with being today’s Lynch if it will open your eyes and you will Lynch Alice after I flip town cuz she is obviously werewolf

Marcus your reasoning is inherently flawed and feels to me that its from a scum perspective. For starters I basically townread Math from the start, and I’ve townread maximus from the start so there was no 180. Making things up are we?

Second you scumread me for making a joke exactly the same as Noz’s? You’re clutching at straws trying to get a mislynch off before your inevitable demise.

I spent half of day one suspecting after mathblade commented on the erraticness of your posts.

The fact that marl thought you vs math was a tvs just like me and now marl is dead solidifies the fact that you’re scum and trying to weasel your way out of being lynched today.

/vote Marcus
I would quote stuff but im on mobile

You can’t just say ‘Scum killed marl to mislynch me’ when he would have deathtunneled you today if he was still alive, which you made sure he wasn’t I bet


Scum flip flopping at its finest

Queen Alfa - Null


Self Meta

Does Queen_Alfa go for a “look like I’m scumhunting” or a “self meta till I get townread” style as scum?

Lots of memeingful stuff from Alfa, reminds me of myself in Grand Idea a wee bit



Telling me off

I’ll be back but never does

Null on Alfa for the moment.

Sam17z - Nullscum



Inquisitive. But seems to be lacking his own voice.

Hahaha very funny

Nullscum until Sam posts some actual content.

WazzaAzza - TBA @Wazza I want you to tell me what you think happens today, in full before I give my read on you.

Nozbugz - Lock Town
I don’t think I need to ISO Noz to show you he is lock town, tell me he asks 1000 times what his scum meta is and talks about it when he is scum, I highly doubt it.

Insanity - NullScum


Votes Math with Marl

Aand Marl is dead

I mean village should probably go for Insanity at some point, but not whilst we have such clear targets already, we can take care of him later imo or if we end up having to resort to PLing

And with all things said and done /vote Luxy I really dislike his lack of thought progression all things considered from d1.