[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Dokusei cries in the background

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Now @MaximusPrime join this so we can have some fun this mountainous okay?

is he new?
he’s that dude who plays vainglory right

He’s just sum guy who likes trees idk

not a discord reference at all

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Wham only if I am scum cause mislynches, any other time cause scum lynches


/Backup for now

I’m trash at mountainous


Your trees.
Hand them over. :gun:

You get first dibs on swapping in if wham dies :3

I have no trees but I’ve got some wood :wink:



Hey how’s NZ going?

Is it true that Kiwis often encounter midgets climbing volcanoes to throw jewelry into their calderas?


Unfortunately not, the local police do however have to go on wild goose chases for fathers and their adopted sons through the native bush though.

cough referencing this cough


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Well at least they don’t lose wars to emus like their Australian neighbours.


It’ll just be a forum thread~

why do i feel like this entire game is going to be me vs mathblade while everyone else sinks into inactivity

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Wait, what about me?

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You should go ahead and death tunnel noz

Would make a better fight than ksi v Logan

You’re dead night 1 ofc