[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Luxy is literally omgus ing me after I voted them

No I didn’t like marcus at all, and you mindmelded with me on it do I decided to not second guess myself and go after marcus

Its not omgus if I’ve suspected you for the past 2 days

Omgus is voting someone because they voted you.

@Sam17z why is your reasoning so scummy?

I miendmekd you? So you are saying a player like you can be influenced by a level 1 player like me? Or was it the opposite you convincing me to vote Marcus and then pocket me to help you while I role out like a vi.

Everyone’s opinion is valuable whether they consider themselves bad or not.

But wouldn’t it be more plausible that a higher skilled player like you pocketed and convicted me to vote Marcus?

You’re saying to me that I influenced you to vote marcus when you voted before me, shifting my vote off yourself?

I suggested the idea but you confirmed my opinion with your read thus making me vote Marcus and pocketing my vote

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Sam17z Alice 1/4
Luxy Sam17z 1/4
1 Like

Lolwhut you confirmed my opinion with your read. I was voting you but you shifted my vote off you and onto marcus because you were thinking the same I was

@Insanity I saw you lurkin boi git back here

Insanity is scum when he lurks!

Then he rolls scum more than Livicus :roll_eyes:

Lurking is NAI for insanity



Speak to us

Causing a mislynch based on one association is only something scum would do

Honestly don’t know who to lynch today and the only person I’m town reading ATM is Hjasik

I think things will become clearer after today but I’ll need to reread the thread and such


I was kinda expecting you to do say “lol what associations” but okay