[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

The sun rises, and a body is found! Hjasik is dead. They were a Villager.

Day Five begins. It will end on October 24, 2018 4:25 PM (or before then if a lynch occurs).

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So since this is MyLo, listen to me for once and don’t fucking vote until we agree on the day’s lynch. Rn I’m quite sure this is Sam as a wolf with Insanity as the deepwolf as my previous assesment may have been wrong and Wazza’s vote would have been distancing. Will post my complete case when I get access to my PC.

The case against Sam17z-

Should be obvious that he’s essentially trying to throw off suspicion Insanity and Wazza over their predicted inactivity. Both Insanity and Wazza are known as chronic slankers from their previous play and yet again both of them had the two lowest post counts in the match. The scumteam context should pretty much damn Sam already.

Doesn’t necessarily follow his previous argument as to why he’s so keen on Insanity been scum despite arguing that inactivity is NAI.

There’s no damn reason to worry about me hammering Insanity if he really thought that Insanity would flip scum. It’s essentially why I believe his vote was a distancing vote at best as he clearly had no intent to lynch Insanity.

It’s pretty damn obvious that Sam’s using the fallacy that every argument is a TvS here in order to ML Marcus similar to what he did to me in N&G.

Again, he said he was up for a CFD onto Wazza but for some reason he just didn’t fucking follow through it. Sam’s intentionally not casting a vote for either Wazza or Insanity here for obvious reasons.

Yet framing another TvT as a TvS to further a ML.

Yet again he keeps on droning the same damn point ignoring that TvTs happen.

Reminder that Wazza, an inactive flipped scum and don’t see Insanity, another one not flipping like this as well. Sam typically doesn’t defend inactives like this and the context of having 2 inactives for a scumteam is what makes me believe that my scumteam pitch is correct.

Sam was essentially thunderdomed against Luxy and if he’s town there’s no way Luxy would have flipped town as well. There’s no fucking reason why he should have just gone onto Maxi aside from saving himself has he’d have been lynched today if Luxy flipped town.

The case against Insanity-

I can’t exactly see this opening post coming from a townie, tbh. Looks too damn informed of the wolves’ intentions to be a NKA.

Repeatedly sheeping onto other villagers, as confirmed by flips in Math’s and Wham’s case or by my own role PM in my own PoV. Incredibly, Insanity didn’t sheep onto Sam or Wazza.

Extremely generalized reads, similarly to N&G where Insanity was also scum.

There’s basically no reason to vote on someone you’d think is village this close to MyLo, seriously.

Yet another mislynch wagon, this time brought on by Maxi.

Ultimately, I’m quite sure Wazza’s naked vote on him was purely distancing as I can’t see Marcus flipping scum and Sam/Luxy are thunderdomed.

And here’s the smoking gun that ties them all together-

The damning case here is that both Insanity and Sam have been non-stop agreeing with this theory that I’m scum because I’ve yet to be NK’d. However, see the associations between both of them along with Wazza and it’s pretty damn obvious that they’re the most likely scumteam here as they along with Maxi were the only ones who did not push Wazza and instead defended him for his slanking. The fact that they keep pointing out the lack of nightkills on me are them blatantly trying to do to me what Ici tried doing to Marl in CITJR2.

Plus, if they were so sure that I were scum, they wouldn’t have opportunistically gone for Maxi. It’s damn obvious that the reason I wasn’t nightkilled here was because they were using me as mislynch bait for MyLo.

VCA-wise, here’s EoD d2.

Insanity would have been lynched here from Wazza’s distance wagon, except that Sam unvoted which caused Wham to get lynched instead, plus despite agreeing with my CFD onto Wazza, Sam did jack shit, and despite agreeing that Wham was T and Insanity S, he didn’t even cast the final vote on Insanity to prevent Wham from being ML’d.

Here’s the EoD d3.

Neither Sam nor Insanity were on Wazza’s wagon and yet he kept on the blatant distance wagon on Insanity. Maxi was essentially the only townie alongside Alfa not on Wazza’s wagon.

Finally, here’s the EoD d4.

There’s seriously no damn reason why Sam and Insanity should have CFD’d onto Maxi if they believed I were scum. Ultimately I see this as an attempt to have prevented Sam from getting lynched via majority as despite their strong conviction that I’m a wolf they didn’t push for my ML and instead went to Maxi.

@Marcus_Doodalee and @Luxy

Read my cases and vote either Insanity or Sam17z with me.

@Luxy @Alice @Sam17z @Insanity I literally just woke up. Don’t vote until I say so alright?

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My dude I sheep you. Pick a target and I vote them

I will vote myself, if you want but that will result in a town victory

But I really want to vote Sarun / luxy

Er, you just said voting yourself will result in a town victory

It meant scum victory. Whatever this wasn’t my best game so I wouldn’t blame you guys for a Sam17z lynch

@Insanity @Luxy waiting for you two to check in today.

Yes hello I am here.

Not going to vote yet, but I’m leaning on the Sam lynch today.

Scumslip? :eyes:

Don’t take my posts out of context read the post after.