[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

/vote Insanitu

gg, town lose.

@Sam17z hammer

I really should blame myself for this.


But it is too late.

He already voted.


Bottom text

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Insanity Alice 1/3
Alice Insanity 1/3

I already voted you. We are waiting on ashe’s flip rn. Any last things before Ashe closes the thread?

Check the votes mate. I voted insanity now flip him

This is your most recent vote related thing isn’t it


You unvoted :^)


No that was from an alt banes zsan17

@Insanity you realise Luxy said the same thing yesterday right?

I’m giving you till 1:25 my time to make a defense

Check luxy and see luxy and insanity interactions and sarun/luxy interactions thank

Yes, I do.

And when the heck is 1:25 :thinking:

6 mins

Luxy had like 0 interactions with Insanity till recently and Alice was rule of three-ed in Luxys shadethrow on myself, Marl and Alice on d1

Did you think the interaction between Luxy and Alice is SvS or TvS?