[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

So? Better then this.

Alice literally wallposts from day 1 so you’ll be able to tell its her

Yeah, getting SPK’d n1 all the time as village is a pain.

@Alice whisper whisper pshh pshh

Who’s to say hjaisk won’t?

I was wrong.

Luxy yesterday said GG wolves win.

Insanity today said GG town lose

Slight difference

I find the whisper-only-neighbors mechanic interesting
someone could use it


why nott



I staged it :kissing_heart:

neutral killer

gg mafia, whoever that was

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I saw what you did with saying mafia :eyes:

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literally i have no clue who the mafia was


I’m so fucking salty omg

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i’m salty we didn’t lynch marcus D1

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For effing up in mylo.