[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

You see
That entire thing about player level is entirely bullshit

Level 1 refers to newer players or players without much intentionality
P easy to determine their alignment

Level 2 refers to intermediate people
Think people like Blue/Maxwell/etc

Level 3 refers to players who declare themselves as objectively superior to the people around them, but not really
Don’t toneread them
You’ll get burned


Are most people a different level as a wolf vs town

Ironically, I’m usually considered as a level 3 player but my tone absolutely sucks as my posts typically are monotone and people usually associate monotone posts with wolfy behavior.

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Sometimes. Usually there’s a strong correlation with village and wolf play but there are outliers here and there.

excuse me actually what we do is we claim we’re still bad at the game but our thought processes are on a higher plane than yours


Also what’s EV mean as well.

eevee wouldnt say that if he werent referring to something in particular.
of course theres the possibility for claimvigs via scum, but in that case why dont they just normal vig?
and if most town is the same thing a traditional claim vig would be way too op. So therefore it must refer to something else.

There is another possibility, however I’m hesitant to list it

I will clarify that I don’t believe I’ve been asked for reads yet, so I couldn’t have refused such a request. I do focus on mechanics yes, but I like to think I can do it in a way that still aids town. See above

I don’t recall doing this intentionally. Could you tell me where your referring to?

I’m terms of abstraction id like to think I’m at least level 2
Reads I’m still level 1 like obviously, but in that other part

I feel like at EoD we’ll probably just end up PL’ing either Magnus or Isaac for inactivity.

EV means Estimated Value, or the rough chance of villa winning.

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Whys that?

Information instead of analysis
Entirely self-explanatory

EV = expected value

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This post feels kinda weird to me. Anyone else?

Geyde is probably villa because he sticks out of the thread’s tempo in a pretty pro-wolf threadstate. I’m inclined to agree with Alice in there being one active wolf and the rest are slanking tbh

Hey guys I just got onto the bread let’s get this thread

If I were a wolf here I’d honestly just post enough to get past the theoretical painting of a slank vig that might exist and let things lie, because I doubt this thread lynches a wolf if we don’t change it before long.

And I know geyde would probably do the same in this instance.

Geyde and I have been trying to do that, unfortunately people keep switching the thread focus back to paintings or whatever. Rn Maxwell/Magnus/Isaac are true nulls for me, you’re basically getting close to my townreads, and my scumreads are in Sulit/Merc/Maxi rn. Simon’s a bit of an oddball as much of his posts have been purely mechanical fluff.

What is your night action least likely to be?

Can anyone give me one of pkrs scumgames


Why PKR in particular?