[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won



i did

It didn’t use his meta.

what? u made a post susing me bc i only made posts regarding geyde and u thought that was suspicious and i said it was the first 24 hours bc there weren’t many posts so far that i really read or had thoughts of

and then u say “bc ur maf and u know ur scummates” like what that doesn’t even make sense??

im not even maf and this thought process doesn’t make any fucking sense

no, that’s me legitimately asking if u read my posts and the context it was in bc ur making posts about me without the context and making ur own assumptions and jumping to them

i’m pushing for aggressiveness? sorry, but i really don’t understand what the fuck that means and if i have suspicions and don’t want to forget or have maf drown me out later, why shouldn’t i say it

smh read my posts

You placed a heavy read on Alice just because you felt Geyde was town.

I know the context

You turned aggressive for nothing.

there’s no read. if i sr someone, i’ll say it

all i said was that that post was sus and i didn’t like it

i don’t like doing a read with this few posts this early on bc i feel like it makes me too biased and because there isn’t enough

also bc they could just have made a bad post and other reads/associations may influence it

Why’s aggressiveness a bad thing?

i wasn’t aggressive on alice and if u say/quote stupid things without the context then yeah, i’m gonna be upset but i’m not aggressive?? where was i aggressive

literally did i even vote or ask ppl to vote alice

i’m not sure if you know what aggressiveness is


being aggressive early game could be a good thing but that’s not generally my style

It means I forced an emotion.

Read all your posts in regard to me and you will see why.

Anyway this discussion has siderailed and doesn’t mean anything. I don’t care if you are or not aggressive, I only cared on how you saw Geyde and Alice.
Any other reads?

im upset bc u were being stupid and didn’t read the context for like half of them

that’s not aggressiveness

aggressiveness would be me then pushing you for your bad iso

…literally why mention it at all then


you are either deluded town or opportunistic/scared maf after geyde/alice (don’t remember which one) said that u didn’t post any reads

I’m doing this right now.



Yes. They asked me to post reads.

Any other reads?