[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

So, if you think I’m scum, who are my scum buddies?

Not sure.

Who’s the most likely candidate?

I don’t know enough about scum you to know how you would associate with scum buddies

Continuing to fail to come to meaningful conclusions from your wall posts and then just voting a very low poster who is categorically null is not a towny progression.

I’ve read a bit. Am still busy although not as much as earlier today. I’ll have reads and ISO’s posted within several hours.

Then you haven’t been in enough games with me. I’ve been both bold and sluggish in multiple games as both allignments. I can provide examples if you need. It depends how much school is occupying my time.

This is more out of interest, but why did you say this then vote Maxwell?
I would have expected a pressure vote tbh, but when you did not do that, it kinda surprised me.

I’ll try to come out of my shell but we will see what happens.

Scummy post

honestly man i pulled an all nighter last night so im kinda wonky. just the whole yrine thing

Good discussion boys keep it up

Sorry due to inactivity.
I’ll be on soon.

Good morning
Wake up sheeple and go play mafia

That was directed at Maxwell

It was one investigation that I wasn’t finished with yet

Be my guest, I want examples

No you

Merc has evolved to sad merc

There’s little explanation you went from here to here.

With no posts about the topic in between

too baaad go read the thread

and the Magnus claims ultra painter

also scummy post, why are you choosing to comment on just certain things then just leaving the thread