[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

/vote Sulit

Let’s get this :b:read

Why is Jake so high on your townreads?

@Geyde do you remember what Ici was in CFM

That’s what I’m trying to do.

Basically, as scum he goes UTR while as town he just says a bunch of stupid wolfy shit, but still shit that moves thread to a new direction.

He never tries to pull so much negative attention to himself when he’s scum.

He’s had one scum gme Alice

And he barely played that game

His play in Clown Fiesta from his town play was as different as night and day, though.

He just like didn’t play CFM

Anyways I gotta go now


So from the lack of thread activity here, Sulit W probably means that her wolfmates aren’t bothering to play the game or are bussing, which further points to Simon/Maxwell/Maxi/Magnus/Firekitten.

This is just going to be one of those games where the wolfteam does nothing but sit on their asses and gets rolled unless the village self-destructs, right?

Pops in the thread Hi. What’s the night plans?

Check Maxwell/Nuke/Firekitten, kill Simon/Maxi/Magnus. Heal strongest TRs. Don’t bother healing me as I’m planning on using a self-defending action tonight.

Tbh, I’d prioritize killing Magnus here as we can at least get someone out of a Simon/Maxi lynch.



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Mafia has conceeded 2 hours before EoD.

So Sulit wasn’t even lynched.
Game ended before it.


Town has won.

That’s very disappointing.
Like… very.

I can’t refuse the right to conceed the game tho.



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