[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

And their should be a few more people this time

Outing what? I’m talking about the maf team from the game that ended.


The game is rerolling.
And you left the reroll queue.

Oh I thought you were asking why I was outing who was mafia.

Joining two games at once was a mistake. I don’t have time for that presently.


You could have just nightkilled them.

Could have but I had absolutely no confidence in my ability to carry the rest of the game.
That takes time worth of activity that I knew I didn’t have.

One maf and an evil neut vs. 12 town can only get so far.

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Especially when there’s a myriad of options for town with the drawing mechanic.

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Post is inaccurate
Alice be scary

I only remember ever playing in one game with a wolf Alice. That game was a team mafia game (every slot was 4-5 ppl who alternated on each day) so she didn’t have much say and lost so I can’t really evaluate her scum game.

But yes she can be deadly as villager.

I only remember playing one game with a wolf Alice.
I yolo ITAed her.
I hit.

I mean, are they wrong. Alice does decide everything in some games she is in, because she’s the only one who takes charge in those games. They aren’t wrong, but it’s a self fulfilled prophecy.

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How is this over already?

Because Mafia conceded on D1.



