[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

Also I bet @Icibalus can figure out how im trying to take scum out of chat :stuck_out_tongue: (dont tell them tho, if scum figure it out this will be very sad)

eevee no do interpreting

im sad to tell you this, but you’ll probably have to do a different night action then

the specifics of how dont exactly matter, as long as the end action is the same as another person’s the effect will be blocked.
to take the op for example:

say the one trying to kill luxy drew a picture of themselves shooting something that looked like luxy’s avatar
and the one trying to kill fk drew a picture of themselves stabbing something that looked like fk’s avatar with a sword

they would still both be blocked

No trust me it’s really convoluted and not at all as straightforward as I’m saying it’s just hopefully gonna have that effect


I’ll tell you tomorrow what I attempted and if it succeeded.
Though because I am terrible at art, I give it 3% chance of working.

It’s technically gonna do something else but that other thing if I get lucky will take scum out of scum chat

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i didnt need more detail

I bed Geyde could figure it out tbh

I think I might get it but it won’t interfere with my things.

I may have to abort mission lmfao.


Ici probably knows what I’m going for.
Yo, Ici dude. If you can not paint-block me that’ll be cool.

This game is too dead very sad

Most players are also on sfol 00

Well it’s night their so they should come here now

why the fuck is everybody talking to me like I’m in a position of authority all of a sudden?

Also, fair warning, I am DEFINITELY not going to make any good reads right now, but I’ll be damned if I don’t at least try to.

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Go for it


the wolves are exactly Derps, Geyde and Alice, and the reason Derps is focusing so hard on me being able to figure out the meaning of how to “get the wolves out of chat” is because i’m the only level 3 on the playerlist who isn’t a wolf

The certainty is exxagerated for clarity, but I do think there’s definitely something weird about Derps’ mind jumping to me of all people, the person with only 2 posts.

I have no idea what your level is that has nothing to do with it, you’ve just had a ability similar to what my plan is recently