[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

People accusing people of being coached pisses me off. It’s usually just an excuse to put off on weird behavior instead of actually looking at it, and puts a lock on that a player is actually improving.

My tone changes depending on my mood and what’s happening in the thread. I was pressured, and I responded. I’d be worried if someone’s tone didn’t change if they were being pressured with a vote.

@SirDerpsAlot got anything to say

What’s your thoughts on geyde

I think Geyde is probably Town here.


Will explain when I’m not in Uni.
Lecture started again.

Learning about cohabitation in Law.


It’s alright. A bit boring but family law is typically draining.
Please do @ me with questions and stuff you want me to explain, thanks.

@ PokemonKidRyan what is the most complex part surrounding cohabitation in law?
(this a joke, just focus on your lecture :+1:)


Ffs, I got the ping reeee.

The problem is cohabitation doesn’t have proper protection in law. Marriage does have that protection and yet responsibilities are still important.
Historically cohabitation in Scotland was different to here. That form of common law marriage though it was abolished in May 2006.

There was a debate called:
Cohabiting Couples - Does “Common Law” Exist? which is a debate taken from BBC news.
Should be on Youtube under that exact title.

Anyway back to studies :anger:

1 Like

It is an or in syntax
Which is different than an “or… or…”
Or requires only one of the conditions to be met but allows space for both to me met.

Or x or y = x, y
X or y = x, y ,xy
X and y = xy

por quê*

@eevee what’s the VC

I may not be here for EoD, so I’m already casting a vote here as Sulit hasn’t really showed much villagery thought so far since I left.

/vote Sulit

The fact that Maxwell has only posted five times and Blue two, Magnus once, and Isaac zero times is frustrating, tbh. There’s probably 1~2 wolves at least here.

which are the 1-2 in here then?


Probably Magnus considering that he often zero-posts as scum. Either you or Isaac as I’m TR’ing most other people here.

That’s fair.