[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

Actually just did

PKR judges you for making it in that capacity.

Fuuuck I’ve been busy.

Work’s been mega stressful and I’ve just been tired.

Anyone around to give a brief recap on the day’s events thus thusly?

Few people did wall posts.
Coming up to EoD so people need to post now and vote if we want someone lynched.
Though atm no wagon seems to be too popular.

I’m here to save the day. After I finsih this Arena run.

Hearthstone Arena?

Why do I feel like Maxwell has said a lot but apparently not a lot?

I feel like I remember him saying bits in chunks while reading through but he was pinged for inactivity?

And by reading I of course mean skimming cause I ain’t had time to read read.

Yeah, something which I suck at in comparison to Constructed.

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Right, so re: Sulit.

This post is disgustingly generic and it feels like something a wolf would think a villager would think rather than what a villager would.

Quite a lot of Sulit’s stuff comes from that kind of place, where his stuff comes across as highly generic:

Sulit Post

Look at this list of reads. I’ve removed the actual names, which is important, because this list has absolutely nothing that’s specific to any particular person. Now, having simplistic and generic reads is fine early on, but let’s look at the big post at the end of his ISO:

Sulit Post 2

There’s a tiny bit of personality in there, in the actual takes themselves, but that personality, those non-generic reads (I’m thinking of Mercenary here), but other than that there are very little distinguishing factors between the various reads Sulit has and it’s hard to tell who they refer to specifically.

He’s reading archetypes, not players, and that’s pretty wolfy.

/vote Sulit

@Alice @Geyde @NuclearBurrito @PokemonKidRyan @BlueStorm @Mercenary

Anybody want to join the lynch sulit gang?

There;s honestly barely enough content to do anything here and, as stated, we always need a D1 lynch.

If magnus doesn’t start post should we bother lynching them @Alice

I am… Unconvinced about the sulit wagon.
Overall I loved what Sulit has done but I was tentative so I can understand why you’re scumreading it.

Sulit had some genuinely good analysis on me tbh by looking at my old games and using them as comparisons.

I have a particularly good feeling about PKR

You enter my townreads

Look again. He is not actually analysing you. Not really. He’s looked at 5 games, and may I remind you, he hasn’t come up with an actual pattern to his meta. He’s repeating what you did, not explaining your narrative.

Not sure I necessarily agree with PKR but they have a good flow to them and seem relaxed, rather than pieced together, if that makes sense?

/vote Jake

Like seriously this person’s posts confuse me, and I would like them to not confuse me.

They’re acting outwardly wolfy and people don’t seem to care that much about it?