[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

  • Reroll
  • Accept the outcome and let next game in queue run

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I’m stuck in a cycle of hating being mafia and wanted to improve at it, I keep trying to take notes on what I do wrong in my scumgames but I keep repeating my mistakes and I just can’t find a passion playing this alignment, and that makes me dread getting it even more, and I’m sorry for ruining the game for you guys

Sounds like a great idea.

I kinda feel a bit bitter atm due to the fact the game ended so… suddenly.
But at the same time I signed up for something I was gonna be bad at.
I wanted to experience my badness.

I honestly bought Sulit’s play as very genuine
Unfortunately there were tonal dissonances


Ye know what Dreaming God is?

I have absolutely no idea.

Is this a new record?
A game ended D1 with the entire scumteam conceding?


Jack of all trades but has literally no clue what their powers actually do

It’s basically a role that had a ton of named abilities with no description that do random stuff

Probably. hopefully.

I’d be down to play in the event of a reroll

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If this ends up re-rolled and you need more players, I’d consider joining the re-roll :eyes:


Yeah, it’s fun af lmao

Sounds weird, but intriguing.

I was considering doing another thing but didn’t know how I’d paint it out

Maybe I’ll try it if this gets rerolled.

When I was getting pinged to be replaced in, I looked at the thread, and was like hell no

I think the scumteam conceded because they failed to follow my perfect strategy of drawing a bus running over their teammates N1.


Hence the game ended in conceed.