[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won


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So what were the roles?

One day I will become the best player on this site.

Anyway, this is a disappointing resolution. I would reroll if I were eevee.

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He’s not going to out them in case we’re rerolling

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howd we already win

i wasn’t maf but ok

Soul and Wazza weren’t even posting, though.


i was gonna try to helpl townish but yeah whatevs

Which means they were the opposite of power players, right?

i was a neut that needed to plagiarize a certain amount of paintings with a 1 shot immunity and could do 2 paintings per night

sorta like neut surv but not really

shame i never got to do anything

kinda figured sulit was scum when they tried to do the sheep meme tho

rip bc the rest of the scum were sorta afk

Except that if anyone tries to focus on finding town instead of finding wolves then any wolf that isn’t posting will get easiy caught as what happened in this game.

Why did I have a feeling that the neut was gonna have to try to plagiarise people’s stuff?

Just saying that my bottom 5 in my readlist contained the 3 wolves, the neutral, and a 0-posting villager.

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Wow, what a sad game.


If we’re rerolling, then that means that all roles, even the mafia, might change. Might

doesn’t exist

wait, if we werent supposed to post our paintings in chat how would someone plagiarize?