[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

Everyone say my name at the beginning of tomorrow

If that doesn’t work try posting my pfp(this is if I die)

Anyone who won’t is probably mafia, it should take them out of mafia chat

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(I hope)

I doubt it will work but if you think it’s worth a shot then go for it.

I think it could work tbh

Oh actually I have an idea that could test it if itll work if you wanna test it Burrito


what’s the idea

Nvm, I dont wan it to cancell out mine

Alice gamesolving simulator
Come on guys bring in some activity

i finished my drawing

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Im tempted to post it here but

I’m going to hand draw and scan stuff probably. Better quality when i make it that way.

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lol I used a bunch oh shapes and shit

after I see if it worked ill post what I made

Most of his setup comments are pro-EV
Even though mechanics talk at this point is bad, he’s coming up with ways to game the setup when he really wouldn’t have to if he’s scum

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Have you heard of this easy thing called a role block?

I don’t know how that relates to this situation, but yes

It’s a wondrous thing, really. It allows the mafia to not even need to guess, and instead stop the action altogether!