[FM] Poker Mafia 2 - The Elite and The Entertainer won!

Mine too

also btw plz VC @Kirefitten / @Psychoneirik

And yeah, the faction checkā€™s at 1 use, occ all is 2

Aleast we got to hear that which is true, I was waiting for him to say that

Iā€™m at a pool I canā€™t rite now :man_shrugging:

Wdym you canā€™t

Heā€™s on Mobile maybe


When I get on my laptop l8

Did you use any abilities last 2 days ago?

But Iā€™m on a phone right now because Iā€™m not at home

Yeah, last night I used faction check on Squid who came up town to confirm

When did you got the invest ability?

Roulette on day 1

Vote Count

Max- htm 1/6
Livicus-Poisoned,Confus, htm, sam, joker 5/6
htm-Max 1/6

Majority is 6 with 10 people alive.

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You shouldā€™ve had told us sooner because right now we discuss hella information in which the scummy can use to make a idea with

Okay, but usually an early gambler out is like basically saying hey I want a free win which gets boring

You donā€™t need to told us your a gambler aleast share what intel you got so far

Fair enough I guess

Right now I donā€™t even know because you told us now when we lynched you out

Iā€™ve also been doing other games at the same time, which has a lot more action than this thread atm

You are dead there sooo