Why do you need to know someone’s exact role for them to be lynched?
Town has no way to know this, they can only dictate scummy behavior from towny behavior
What exactly?
Quote it please.
I just did
Accused - Accusers
Whamerist - maximus, htm (2/8)
Sam17z - Celeste, , Nightx, Hippo, Boxxy (4/8)
Celeste-Whammerist pkr (2/8))
Twi-Marl,Sam (2/8)
this is intense
Is it bad that ive only switched my vote like once
Do you like the way today has gone?
Explain why.
Hmm, okay Whamm is suspecting Celeste right? Since he said she is “scum” it’s not very specified answer. That’s all. I just want to know a reason.
You own your life to me dipshit, and don’t forget it.
I shall pocket you, for the town!
Why do you not think PKR could be scum white knighting? He’s done it before as scum.
I haven’t been paying hardly any attention today until now
you can probably guess the reason
cough Hydra
Or asking about anything is not allowed here?
He could have easily hammered me, but he did not.
Ryan, a question should I withdraw all the tokens I have and hope that a protective ability pops next round and get it to save some people?
This is a scummy question too! You aren’t looking for any actual information with your previous question. It’s more of “Hey, If I’m scum I bet you can’t say what kind of scum I am! Hah, looks like I’m not scum!”
Oh boi. Ok then what type you would asking if you were me?
Im like the ultimate lost person here
Theres some higher mind thoughts going around that need to be dumbed down for me
If I can’t defend myself from my wagon, maybe THEY can!
/vote Twilight