[FM] Quantum Mafia - Game Thread - Mafia Victory

I understand that part.
I just don’t understand whether a Doctor’s heal would work in such a way that it directly decreases their target’s death probability.

For example, Mr. Eye is 50% Mafia. Mr. Nose is 10% Doctor. They both target Mr. Mouth.

I don’t know whether Mr. Mouth’s death probability will suddenly become 40% or simply stay at 50%.

If all mafia happen to target each other, the NK just fails, doesn’t it? I know that has a low chance of happening in the first place, but it exists, especially if people decide on a consensus target at night and it happens to be someone who turns out to be mafia.

i mean its nigh-impossible now, but retroactively yeah

Ah ok, I see what you mean. You’re asking if the heal probability is accounted for in the “X% dead” probability or not.
It didn’t look like it in the setup, maybe because kills are always processed before heals so the percentage dead reflects the number before protection is processed, but yeah that’s a good question for Eevee or Ici.

Nvm, I got my answer.

TLDR: eevee_bot calculates the odds. Fuck calculcating odds. I hate probabilities.

…Simon, your sentences are hard to read, but I think I understand what you mean.
@ChopChop, forget what I said about Priorities.

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We are all mafia and town
Just that some mafia us will be cancelled out and some town will also be cancelled out vausing a greater likelihood of us being a ???

Imagine no one dying on D1

Hypothetical Mafia Team

Maybe I will explain it here:

eevee_bot calculates resultat for EVERY of 6000 scenarios.

That means if:
Player A targets C for a KILL.
Player B targets C for a HEAL.

Player C is DEAD in all scenarios where player A is mafia, but player B is NOT a doctor.
But he is ALIVE in scenarios where B is a doctor AND A is mafia.

eevee_bot just calculates results of actions in all of this 6000 setups.
That’s it.


That’s just D1 No Lynch.

Ive been saying that since pregame tho xD

The tricks start d2

In other words: Don’t use math as argument.

Use numbers as an argument to feed into your math function :^)

Aye… I thought we were waiting for people to show up first though?

…wait. Don’t tell me Math FMs exist?

But that’s for laugh and giggles


…I will just wait, if you don’t mind.

it just means you have to use it in the right way. i highly intend on using The Numbers to my advantage in this fm

Eh, it was a programming joke cause arguments are the parameters you feed into a function to get it to do something with them
So if your function is something that adds up numbers and gives you the sum, your arguments would be the numbers that you want to add together