[FM] Quantum Mafia - Game Thread - Mafia Victory

Dont lie
We thought it was a good idea

no I got forced to join

i have that too i just like a lot of posts

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you, because you signed up for it

End wazza’s misery ecks dee
(Brandishes mafia factional kill)

Shurian, who’s your scumbuddy this time?

This is a betryal on levels NEVER BEFORE SEEN


My friends are my scumbuddy

Hi friends

why are you confused

I only play FM to make it so I’m someone’s first choice in life

to kill


I’m confused at myself being confused at you getting forced to join the game and confusion is confusing so confuse the confusing confusion is the way to go

Huh I coulda worded it better
Nightsies for realsies

hey, I said I’d track you down every time you’re a wolf
and I don’t know what percentage wolf you are right now
so boom bye scum

i wouldnt normally feel the need to post this but because the math is weird in this game i am.
despite the quantum, baseline probabilities for town/mafia are still in effect because every setup rolled has the same numbers. from this, the baseline probability of any one player being mafia is 23.53% or pretty much 1 in 4
if the sum of all mafia %s in your rolecard is less than that percentage, you’re less likely to be mafia than your average player. and if its greater you are more likely to be mafia.
do with this information what yall will

that would actually be terrible btw
because execution is our main way to start collapsing the possabilities, which we really need to do as it will start making information more useful

I’m using this as a shitposting thread now.


only 2/6 of these people actually use these forums now.

this is sad.

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this setup needs to include the chance of people being doublevoters
so even a lynch isn’t sacred

wtf did I just watch lmao

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