Do ya mean the one whose execution is decent, or do ya mean “someone else”?
…I’m pretty sure that’s false, but admittedly I haven’t asked Eevee on Discord. Could you explain how this is the case, and how you know this?
the % difference is the same whether the coin is flipped once or a trillion times
the only difference between the two is that one is more stable.
If not Seth, then probably Simon.
I’ve had it with this bickering.
I am going to join @Jane’s vendetta.
I said it before and I’ll say it again,
I’m fine with tomorrow being me as Yeet, but I don’t want to be yeeted today.
The flip is random depending on the players probabilities
one who is still a decent execution social-wise
Besides I can also get some other checks
Since this isn’t stable then it dosent really matter
Nay. Derps is right. If someone is 100% dead, then eevee will rand the flip.
Yeah, duh. You haven’t explained how this is only done once, and not repeatedly with the bot. Thousands of times over, if need be.
it matters the same amount. because it hasnt happened yet
because its uncertain.
Considering I have the biggest chance to be Voyeur now and didn’t receive a result I could have a chance to get one tonight.
My highest town pr is jailkeeper.
Who you target with JK again?
our future is 5% better one way verse another.
whether that coin is averaged over a trillion times or over only one flip, it matters not. our future is still the same amount better
because its uncertain.
thats the whole idea behind this fm.
Dafuq? Ya wanna sic off the… oh. Ye wanna sic off anybody ye didn’t like. Fair enuff.
See I disagree because this completely neglects the social effects of said person dying
i dont really understand the wordage there, but im for one who is consensus good, as i do not personally have any preference for anyone other than not-me socially wise