[FM] Quantum Mafia - Signups (17/17)

So, if you execute someone, we rand what they are based on remaining timelines, and remove all timelines where they are not that flip.

I could just say “it’s in the OP” but I want to actually test my understanding

ok this is what I was hoping it was

and there wasn’t a secret “real” rand used for flips

yeah gotcha so there is incentive to manipulate your own odds which is good

is 2x5 secretly determined pre-game or done when flips occur?

There is a lot of ways to manipulate odds.

If you target someone with possible mafia action, there is less chance that they will end up being your mafia teammate due to eliminating all timelines where you perform a kill or role cop your potential teammate.

The 6000 setups are a variety of various different 2x5 setups. You could be any PR from any 2x5 setup once the waveform collapses completely.

Can I get a tldr

I regret to inform you that no, you cannot.


D1 and D2 are gonna be full clown-fiesta

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/in this is something

What part of “Mafia based on macroscopic quantum superposition” screams simplifiable to you?

Will I have to actually do math?

Now I go back to my nap

You can win without doing mathematics, but some level of mathematic fluency may give you an edge. It is not compulsory to do the calculations, however.

just play it like survivor till you’re very likely to be one or the other if you don’t wanna math

can’t wait to be yeeted d1

This is picture of my first test rand (which was changed since then and imported to bot handling all actions):


Note it’s showing only around first 175 rands, while remaining 5825 are below it.

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my brain didn’t comprehend a single word in this post


join me and we will rule the world