[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Like i said im willing to run Marson or Mountainous anytime
Heck, i’d even do Cop9 / JK9 / Mad17 or alt variants of any of those


Vanilla is the only treatment for sucky social play

im kinda tired of mashes tbh

maj of queue is over 20



Except our site is like

Really good at villa games overall

Playing more nilla improves your social skills
Which would help if ppl in mashes didnt just always mindlessly sheep mech to doom
But they do

We overthink in mashes and try to use mech because idk tbh

But yeah I think we’re pretty good at villa games


mashes are just exhausting


Exhausting to design
Exhausting to review
Exhausting to host
Exhausting to play

we have too many tbh


its hard to improve playing villager if you’re constantly playing mashes where there’s like 20 other people to read

you cant get better at wolfreading if you’re already stretching your attention as well as your patience very thin

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if anyone wants me to run any form of nilla anytime as a spacebreaker
ping me pls

It’s been 14 months since a town mash win and counting
we’re kidding ourselves if we think that format will ever improve villa play here.

Mashes can be p exciting to create esp if the flavour exhilarates the designer
Ultimately not that rewarding to play for most improvement-wise though, no matter how well they are designed / balanced

I’m not saying mashes aren’t fun

they are

in moderation

I don’t want to play a game with over 20 people every other game i play

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I agree
I feel like another problem that contributes to this is that this forum is home to the most mechanically complex mashes on the internet by far, which probably is what brought at least some here. Like mashes are our signature and most unique thing by far tbh (well other than FoL / SFoL of course, but the mashes are more like what ppl from other FM sites are used to).

obviously not something we can or should change, but just something to think about

Vanilla seems boring since it’s so common
But it definitely is healthy to have

I have a 17er in queue.

Also, we should not be using this thread to discuss this. Submissions of games only.

I already have two in queue. One is big, the other is small.

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Sneaky bastard

Mine is 16p :thinking:

Good for the site; I am not one of these people.
I am terrible at villa games… :sob:

Harry Potter FM has been denied

I’m removing why people can’t have nice things mafia due to lack of personal interest in hosting it