[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

what is anom vanillia? is it supposed to say anon vanilla or am i just stupid

anom = anon


Are SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts and Flavorless Mad17 ready to be reviewed?

Is Masquerade Madness ready to be reviewed?

i mean iā€™m stealing it from sc2maf because itā€™s a great setup so yea

@katze and @Arete
is SFoL 66: Anonymous FoL ready to be reviewed?

idk what there is to review, given its just FoL but anonymous

but sure, dm me

Iā€™m just going to look at the op

Yes. I donā€™t have an OP for Mad17 yet, though, but itā€™s not a huge hassle to make it since Iā€™m just going to copypaste from another site.

This is a note that while I would prefer not to, I can return to co-host any of the games I withdrew from if no other co-host can be found and the main host still on the game feels one is needed. I would rather that than them get canned pre-signups.

Note: Iā€™m withdrawing from hosting both my games in the queue. I know it messes some stuff up, but I would rather not risk hosting when I may not have enough time to do so. My schedule is going to change a bit, and that might make it difficult for me to be constantly present (which is what a host needs).

I might re-add at least one of them later, but for now, this is what I decided upon.

I am not removing SFoL 64 because someone else can still host it, and itā€™s a SFoL in the queue.

@DatBird @Geyde

I donā€™t want to screw the queue up too much. If someone else could take over for SFoL 64 (if the setup is reviewed positively), I would not mind. Several people have access to the OP I made, and the whole setup is there.

This is the last moment I can do this before I mess things up for everyone too much, so yeah. Better safe than sorry.


I will host SFoL 64 (well, if it doesnā€™t get denied in review, that is).
I really, really want a co-host (so ping me if ur down), but if i donā€™t get one, iā€™ll still host it, since i really think the syndicate deserve a sequel, and this is the only legitimate chance of that ever happening I think.

@N.1 I can cohost.

  • Harry Potter Forum Mafia
  • oB_L1ght
  • 16 Players
  • 36/12
  • I dunno

@Marshalā€™s Wildwest FM has passed review!

:congratulations: :birthday: :confetti_ball:
:cow: :cow2:

@N.1 and @eevee Airlock can open


Also gonna like not take a review for abit cause otherwise I wont be able to play games for like a two month stint so like thats why we have a lot tbd for start times as I want to spread em out


Thatā€™s why you have other reviewers.

Just send games to them?
They are not gonna grab stuff themselves unless you ask most of the time, so go an dask them.

most of them are allready reviewing stuff
