[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Well theres a FM game in signups, 1 ongoing, and SFOL running. One will start after each of those… unless we change the system

Hm… I think that, running four games at a time… is most likely not a good idea.
–so I guess Hippo is stuck with the waiting game. o/

I wasnt saying running four games lol

I know. It was my suggestion, which I took down as soon as I said it.

so currently, my WiM is quite awful, and based on my current personal life circumstances, i am very confident that it is not possible for this to ever not be the case anytime soon.

the main reason why i joined as a co-host for SFoL 65 was to try to help it not die when vulgard stepped away; to try to help it pass review and keep the dream of a syndicate sequel alive.

although i didnt have the WiM to help with review really, I believe i had an impact indirectly b/c astand (we’ve co-hosted together before) came on as co-host after i consented to do so, and he helped a great deal during the review process.

well, it turns out that i do want this syndicate sequel dream to exist, but i would not like to be a part of it b/c of severe depression and such (i also dont have any plans to play in any games anytime soon, either).

if necessary, i will stay on as co-host for SFoL 65 so that the game doesn’t die (keeping the syndicate sequel alive is worth everything to me, even though i dont want to be a part of it as i said, and being co-host might cause a depressive relapse for me due to high stress), but i really, really dont want to. Please dm me on discord if you might be able to help me by taking my place as co-host. Thank you.

That’s still some way off.
Something, something can’t mention ongoing games.

oh god oh fuck

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Oh yes.

Game Name: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) FM
Main Host: Apprentice
Game Size: 24
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Standard

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@Zone_Q11 's game of corrupt votes has passed review

:congratulations: :birthday: :confetti_ball:


@astand umineko fm is up next and im ur reviewer please send it my way

Here is the official take on the categories for games.

If you have any questions or additions you want added bring it up to me in the discussion thread.

@Geyde FoL 29 can open signups.


Was just about to do this


Uhm, define vanilla roles.

Cause for me cop is one of most basic roles I can think of and you put cop 13 as standard?

Vanilla townies and mafia goons.

so the vanilla section is just mountainous?


But does marson count :^)

Hey yall. changing the categories up to better fit, as I cant word/dont know what im talking about

this is like

there is barely anything separating mountainous and cop13
they should not be under different definitions when a closed basic setup and a closed rolemadness bullshit fest fits under the same category