[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

So Dat
About your game :^)

@Geyde check discord

@discobot roll 1d4

picking a non vanilla/standard game that isn’t also sfol 64

:game_die: 4

@Frostwolf103 would u be ready for deus ex?

While I am happy to announce the game is ready, however me as host is not ready until I am settled in new house this week.

@Napoleon Fol 30 can open

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Game name: Countries FM: The Cold War
Main host: Wazza (Probably won’t need a Co-Host)
Game size: 24
Game speed: 48/24
Game type: Minimash/Standard (I think)

I’m unsure if I have to create one of these are not but I’m just doing it, just in case.

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Game Name: Percy Jackson FM
Main Host: Light
Game Size: 13
Game Speed: 32/16
Game Type: Standard

gdi Wazza nobody has submitted since Bastard Sword and thirty seconds before I submit you submit???


Game Name: Morphogenetic Mafia
Main Host: Mist1422
Game Size: 18
Game Speed: 36/12
Game Type: Special, I think

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Please rename it to Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea if it wouldn’t change its position on the queue.
Changes nothing mechanicswise but I finally found a flavor for it.

Its a wiki, you can just edit the name yourself

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also Va-11 Hall-a good

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Return of the King Mafia has passed review!

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That’s disgusting

@katze do you have a reviewer for Shortnight yet

I will review literally every fucking setup









Give me your setup
I am reviewing literally everything


Going to drop the m15’er one because eevee is running a m15 as well right before it and I don’t want to conflict

will edit out of queue

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