[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread



If you can spend so much time here and not fail itā€™s true :man_shrugging:

Solic maybe though
Think it was entirely voluntary

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It was

I just want them to stay.
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Moderation discussion to the Cookie Thread please, letā€™s try to keep this one at least slightly on-topic

Have a mod make it a wiki
It shows in logs who edits so griefing is hard



Would making it a wiki fix any of the actual current problems with the system

Other than getting games on the op not really

With reviewing no
With ensuring the queue is updated, absolutely.


Not if youā€™re afraid to edit it rn

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Like whatever is stopping you also stops others if itā€™s a wiki, no?

There have often been long points of time where something isnā€™t added, isnā€™t updated, or other similar problems

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either make it a wiki, make it as such that geyde authored the OP, or get Arete the clearance to update it.

Those are the only feasible solutions to the queue problems (yes i know the reviewing problems are different and deeper).

canā€™t you revert to previous revisions on a wiki

surely the people here arenā€™t that scandalous but if they were it wouldnā€™t be that damaging would it

But does ā€˜let everyone edit itā€™ solve that problem

like the obvious failure mode here is ā€˜people either through ignorance or through malice move games ahead of where they should be in the review processā€™ and Iā€™m not sure who needs to be able to edit it who canā€™t right now? like Iā€™m totally open to doing it Iā€™m just not sure if it solves any of the actual issues

You can revert to previous edits
Itā€™s a mod perm


thatā€™s why i consider making Geyde the author of the post and getting Arete the clearance to update it to be better solutions.