[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Game wasn’t rigged

You weren’t in the poker game, you nerd

there was no bias in the poker game either way

I was the 3 of diamonds

because i’ve been a solid 3 all my life

I did not know anything about the poker game beforehand
I wasn’t informed of most of the things that happened during the game beforehand

How does poker have to do with the queue

Can we keep poker discoussion out of queue thread?

It’s making it hard for me to later on follow which game is where.



I’m removing Blood 4 from the queue.

Just start it when you want, since that’s misc.
Would probably wait for minority to end if I might suggest, but all in all this does not need to be in queue.


i’ll consult with N on this

Sweet ty


Regarding Ritual Mafia 4 and Short Fuse, I’m overviewing those games.

I know setups and you already explained them here.
It’s more “in case” something bad happens.

Also try to plan your misc game in a way that it won’t impact your hosting capabilities much.

Where did Yes go

If you want RM4 to be re-reviwed, lmk
it’ll be identical to RM3
Also I need to make sure @astand is still down to co-host it
It’s been a while since he said he was.


I’m gonna review ToS mafia 2.

Send it to me.


Queue is acutally queued with dates now.

If dates don’t fit you for whatever reason, @eevee me.


the best game :^)

@eevee-sama big thank you for updating the queue :ok_hand:

Altho tbh I would move FoL for later date.

FoL AND a mash at the same time will be… a lot tbh.

Tho I am aware Priestess is gonna ping me forever if I do so, and I prefer to have peace in my little corner in Poland. :^)

I’ll open the signups to that time, but I’ll look at how many games are running to that time, and will postpone it for a few days if needed, dont worry