[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

@eevee-sama @PoisonedSquid can @DatBird and I get one of those empty spots for starting either 24/04 or 1/05? Our setup is very, very close to being ready for review.
Also we need a reviewer assigned.

or if one of the new hirees might be willing to sign up to review this, that would be greatly appreciated. Dat canā€™t review his own game but I know there are three more.

Note that whoever reviews this game cannot play in it under any circumstances since it is 100% closed.

Me and marshal also need our game reviewed

  • SFoL 65: Duel of the Juggernauts
  • Host: N.1
  • Players: 23
  • Phases: 48/24
  • Type: SFoL
  • Description: SFoL 58 Hand of Byzantium as the Uninformed Majority, with no Champion, an Arbiter who cannot convert but still has his inpenetrable night immunity (that overwrites all of Justicarā€™s night vulnerabilities) that has all of the abilities of the Justicar as well, versus the SFoL 53 Syndicate as the Informed Minority, and the Syndicateā€™s Dreaming God lost wolf as well
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Are we supposed to add it to thread ourselves now

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The Syndicate Shall Return @Italy
Prepare Yourself

if so oops

Is adding it above games submitted in thread after ours acceptable


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Only way to balance
Town faction is busted too

Duel of two absurdly busted factions
Who shall win

Thoughts on the balance of this @Arete

it seems likely to be unbalanced and swingy

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How so

but I havenā€™t looked at it in detail

that has to be the highest power setup ever run on this site

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Indeed Lol

extremely high-power set-ups tend to be unbalanced and swingy even if both sides are high-power

also you will obviously need to tweak some of the details of the HoB classes since e.g. tailoring effects arenā€™t super useful on town

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Of course.