[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

@eevee-sama @Arete

Can my game be up before May 11th?

your game is behind several others in the queue, so I would doubt that possibility @ChopChop

you’ll probably be waiting until mid to late june at the earliest to run it

and by “we” derps means me

What have you brought upon this land

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A War for the soul of Divinity
And Power
Lots of Power

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because both the Hand of Byzantium and the Syndicate are past scum factions who have fancied themselves as to be possessing some sort of divine birthright

idea: flipless fm where mafia has 2 kpn, and town has a plurality revive every day

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(and this revive revives them as they were, with no factional confirmation)

“2 steps forward” fm

can Mafia kill themselves

yes, the double kill would be unnassigned and both would be able to be done by even 1 mafia alive

ooh that might force people to stay around after dying. maybe implement the talking-while-dead thing?

but no voting while dead (not even a 1 vote) because then that takes the point out of reviving

You need an exception: every person can be revived max. 1 time
Or else you will just revive the strong player over and over again

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i wonder if that would still work out to average 1 kpn + lynch

assume scum goes for final kills where possible

No. Town lynches 1 person
Scum kills 1 person
Town revives the killed person and lynch the next person

yeah alright.
you could call the format 2-1 kpn

I feel like that substantially devalues the effect of the nightkill