[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

I wanna join it but I shouldn’t.

In the meantime I have another terribad idea for a setup

what if we took virtuous
and made it a multiball

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Your soul will make a fine addition to my collection

can you add Order FM

She’s actually gonna do it :eyes:

Or just like… don’t worry?
We got 4 games pretty much ready.

Including mine which I postponned due to too many games running at the same time before.

Then they all ended

Because lmao

Also, do I have to specifically contact a reviewer or will one be assigned?
I’m new to this queue process.

Mix of both from what I can tell. I usually do the reviews I know about by people contacting me, or get assigned

God damn it now I’m tempted to actually do this

If you’re willing to review mine could you message me whenever you choose?

i’ve been saying LSOTV triple threat for really long now

I’m sure it could be balanced


Forceroll faction choosing alch
but now he has 4 options to choose from instead of just 3

Do you want me to make a design cord for this lmfao

Something tells me adding neuts to that sounds like a very hmmst idea


and add anstreim to it so I can watch him suffer

Do it anyway, the more Neuts the better.