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That’s why neutral Showdown 1 and 2 are objectively the best setups.

I think the biggest question is how many players I allow

I have a line of like two games atm, as long as the other reviewers dont pick it up in time of me finishing them/have time myself sure, i should be able to.

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Since uh
Oh boy

Welp time for some memery

Name: SFoL 66: Triple Threat: Virtuous
Host: Amelia
Size: 26
Speed: 48/24
Category: SFoL


size is subject to change

Hell in a Cell D6 passed review

Pinging to confirm:


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What is that?

low-power 13p semi-open set-up

D6 mafia is a semi open 13p setup

Roll a die 6 times and mark down the numbers obtained. The value of the roll corresponds to the type of role used in the game, with more rolls in the same grouping increasing the power of that type of role.

As clarification, amount of rolls for a given role type impacts what role will be in game.
So rolling invest 6 times will result in cop with n0

1-3 rolled = Investigation role
4-5 rolled = Preventative role
6 rolled = Killing role

1 I - Innocent Child
2 I - Role Oracle
3 I - Role Cop
4 I - Tracker
5 I - Parity Cop
6 I - Cop with n0

1 P - Bodyguard
2 P - Doctor
3 P - Roleblocker
4 P - Jailkeeper
5 P - Jailkeeper + Bodyguard
6 P - Roleblocker + Doctor

1 K - 1-Shot Vigilante
2 K - 2-Shot Vigilante
3 K - Vigilante
4 K - Vigilante
5 K - Vigilante + 1-Shot Vigilante
6 K - Vigilante + 2-Shot Vigilante

Then I will fill out the rest of the slots with VTs so we get up to 10 town at the start.

Then, roll for mafia roles.
Roll a die (n-1) times, where n is the number of town power roles. Whatever number it lands on, mafia get that role.


1 - Roleblocker
2 - Roleblocker
3 - Jailkeeper
4 - Role Cop
5 - Tracker
6 - Watcher

You can get multiple of the same role.
I will then fill out the rest of the mafia with goons until there are 3 mafia

Test Rand 1: 546414

Gives 4 P so Jailkeeper
Gives 1 I so Innocent Child
Gives 1 K so 1-Shot Vigilante

Mafia Rand: 25


Seems pretty simple so I assume review would be quick

it also has advantages such as ‘is a tested Vanilla set-up’

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all good

Main thing was checking to make sure op was good lol

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Simpler than uh

Multiball virtuous :eyes:

I’m busy pruning the OP of SFoL 58 so it makes more sense

wait what is this

each night choose a player

when you die the role of the last player you chose is modrevealed

Chooses player at any time
When role oracle dies, target is publicly rolecopped (no alignment revealed)

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yeah but this didnt stop JK9


