[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

U could take triple threat if u want. As I dont have time to review it til after insurgency. Up to u

I mean
I guess I can send you WWCHNT mafia

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Purgatory 3

Game Name: Flavorless Mad17
Main Host: Vulgard (co-hosts TBA)
Game Size: 17
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Standard (Semi-Open)


Mad17 returns

I think itā€™s a fun setup because you canā€™t clear people based on claims, even though everyone is a PR.


I played a pair of awesome Mad17 Champs Practice games with @Alice last year where she saved my LHF ass from near doom and clutched for town.


Wotā€™s this?

Happy to see that setup return, as it holds a special place in my heart


Hereā€™s the setup. Everyone is a PR, but both factions can rand each PR and flips are alignment-only.

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Seems fun.

Hi, can I still submit a game if Iā€™m not quite sure what category it falls under? Iā€™m not quite sure what each category entails (or is even called), so thatā€™s a minor roadblock lol.

Can you describe how your game works and we can tell you what category it is?

Uhhā€¦ everyone is a PR, I made a new mechanic for a single character (because the intent is for them to be hard to take down without an execution) that makes them pretty beefy, uhhā€¦ thereā€™s neutrals, events, money mechanicsā€¦

Execution being lynch*

That sounds like a ā€¦ Mishmash or Minimash? Iā€™m not sure, @sulit please help


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Wait did we change the categories

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apparently they got stealth changed a week ago
would be great to know the new categories, folks :eyes: