[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

What would happen if we decided to make Derps an Admin? :thinking:

I mean Mod.

litten complained about getting too many notifications so he gave control of the thread over to arete
simple as that


Are there any definitions for game types?
Considering SFM just changed to Standard Iā€™m a bit confused now and Iā€™m sure othet people are as well

I am confused too

@eevee, @Icibalus, war meeting time.

SFM was meaning Standard Forum Mafia.

Considering tihs queue ios for forum mafiaā€¦ it was justā€¦ simplified?

Standard for this forum at least.

i thought it meant special for some reason

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and what are the other game types? There are some more in the OP

It does mean special in SFoL.

Special Forum of Lies.

Yeah, it always was confusing, thatā€™s why it was simplified.

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I assume vanilla are setups that arent rolemadnes and more similiar to cop13 or joat 9. And minimash just seems like larger standard

^ Pretty much this.

Imo we should distinguish between open and closed.

For standard.

How about ā€œO Standardā€ and ā€œC Standardā€

thats usually the difference between standard and vanilla. Like i cant think of one standard game that wasnt closed

Purgatory apparently

I was told it wasnā€™t misc
Sure as hell isnā€™t vanilla

