[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

But ur a reviewer and im not so eh. Just expressing my right to express my opinion.

you know very well that a large portion of this forumā€™s user base does not check it consistently at all

Thereā€™s no chance those ppl will see a signup thread by happenstance during signups

I think maybe it should be Vanilla/Small/Medium/Large/SFoL/FoL???

Size of the game doesnā€™t really tell people what to expect in it.

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i suppose

I agree, but closed vs semi-open absolutely does.

I think its pretty easy to see signups as not only is there the most recent threads page which is the homepage of the site, but also whenever a new topic is made u should be able to see that at the bottom of a thread.

Thatā€™s not what im saying
A large portion of this forumā€™s userbase checks it highly infrequently

and u know this how?

Via observation
Yeah of course there are the ppl who are always here
But thatā€™s usually not enough for the largest games.

My suggestion definitely reduces the chance that the largest games get canned due to insufficient signups.

N Im not gonna fight u on this, theres no point. Because two peoples observations show two different results. I dont think we need to distinguish between close semi and open. Cause 1 its usually obvious. 2 its in op and people can see then, andds another category to op and soon its gonna need the scroll thing just to see all the options. I dont think closed versus semi open is that big of a game breaker for most people.

LASTLY this is not a pre in thread. We want to keep this organized for reviewers and hosts. Having people pre in to a game they are gonna join anyway is just cloggin this thread while reviewers are trying to find their next game or people trying to post their for review. Idc if u make a hype/pre in thread in general or for ur games. Just dont do it here


Like I said, people who it would help to have for the largest games never check this forum more than once every two weeks. Distinguishing increases the chance that they will make sure to check during signups.

If ur referring to my most recent game post, I put it here for memoryā€™s sake. Iā€™m not going to make a thread yet because ppl canā€™t talk about it yet when I have no clue what can and canā€™t be revealed publicly yet.

w/e, this convo went nowhere and is over, as expected.

Datā€™s right. The meaning changed over time. Long time ago there were Vanilla FM, Competitive FM and Special FM.

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The semi-open & closed fight is stupid btw, and I belong to the side where they are both written as SFM in this thread; AKA Datā€™s side.

Also; I want to start a (losing) war on the definition of Vanilla FM.

you can start a war on it, but this thread is not the right place for that :wink:


Next game open signups since the one game name I forgot ended ? @eevee